As many of you are already aware of the anti-extradition protests in Hong Kong in the past few days, we give thanks to God that no major bloodshed has been reported from the media. Although the bill has now been temporary withdrawal, it only marks the beginning of the ongoing protests against China’s hard-line agenda over Hong Kong, despite the territory’s way of life should remain unchanged for 50 years, until 2047 as promised in the 1997 joint declaration between the United Kingdom and China.
Since the 1800s, the city of Hong Kong has been the base for many Christain organisations to advance the gospel to its neighbouring nations. Both our founder Rev Samuel Boyle and Rev Charles Chao was sheltered by Christians in Hong Kong in 1949 during the war, and it is in Hong Kong that Reformation Translation Fellowship was founded.
Reformation Translation Fellowship Australia encourages our supporters and followers to join us pray for Hong Kong, and the advancing of the gospel message in that area.
Here are some articles you might like to share among your congregation:
Hong Kong is not China yet, but that feared day is coming ever nearer
The Christian Backstory of Hong Kong’s Pro-Democracy Protests
Hong Kong protests: A clash between Christianity and Communism