RTF Australia committee is currently seeking donations to support the following two titles:
Mark Jones, God Is: A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God
Mark Jones has written many excellent books over the years and is a scholar of the Puritans’ writings. In this book, he summarised teachings from the early church fathers and works by puritans like Stephen Charnocks, Edward Leigh, and John Owen Jones in twenty-seven concise chapters. It is a beneficial and needful reference to our great God and his all-beautiful character. Highly recommended as a tool for personal devotion or group study.
Anthony T. Selvaggio, From Bondage to Liberty: The Gospel According to Moses
“The Gospel According to the Old Testament” series published by P&R is an excellent guide into the Scripture through significant Old Testament figures with Christ-focused theology at an accessible level. We believe it will bring a good grounding for ministers and seminary students through the Old Testament.