The Reformation Translation Fellowship enthusiastically supports the training of pastors and Church leaders for the house church networks in China. It has provided resources for a new and mobile ministry training organisation called the Calvin Theological Hall. This is led by Pastor John Lin. Here is a report from Pastor Joe McClelland (all names modified) recently carried in the June 2010 Newsletter produced by the North American Branch of RTF.
“In March 2010 I had the opportunity to teach our brothers and sisters in Asia through the Calvin Theological Hall (CTH). Brother JL is founder and administrator of CTH. This was the 30th and final course for students who are now ready to graduate and pursue pastoral status.
What hunger and drive these students have! The daily lecture schedule for 5 1/2 days included sessions from 6:30-7:30 am, 8:30-noon, 3:00-6:00, and 7:30-9:00 pm. A full video of the 40+ hours of teaching is kept at CTH. Audio copies are sent home for student review and sharing. All the students whom we asked are making use of this teaching right away in their home congregations. They are not just listening to the recordings but teaching the same material in their own words, from notes they have made.”