Towards the end of last year RTF Australia initiated a project to translate The Cross He Bore, by Frederick S. Leahy into Chinese. This title is available in English from the Banner of Truth Trust. Frederick Leahy was a minister in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland and taught Systematic Theology at the Reformed Theological College Belfast. His writing is at the same time exegetical, solidly confessional and warmly devotional. This title exemplifies reformed theology at its best, instructing the mind and challenging the heart. Sam Chao wrote, “This is the kind of book the house churches need, and use for their instruction, imagination, and meditation with preaching and teaching, dealing on the suffering, death of the Lord Jesus Christ. It has short chapters, and can be useful for a three-four month preaching and teaching materials on the weekly basis. We commend you that the RTF Australia has chosen this work, and support its publication.” We will be seeking to raise $5500 during the course of this year to sponsor its translation into Chinese and print 10,000 copies for distribution in China.