Reformed theological literature translation and publication ministry for the Chinese people.


Giselle Huang on Chinese Translation, Reformed Christianity in China

Dr Tavis Bohlinge of The Modern Puritan Podcast interviewed Giselle Huang of PRTS about the difficulties and challenges of translating theological works from English to Chinese. Chinese translation of “Developing a Healthy Prayer Life: 31 Meditations on Communing with God” by James Beeke and Joel Beeke can be freely downloaded from CRTS Bookstore –…

The Heart of the Cross

We are glad to report that “The Heart of the Cross” by James Montgomery Boice and Philip Graham Ryken has been printed and is now ready for order at CRTS Books. Our goal for this year is to raise a total of 4,400 AUD to cover the translation and initial publication costs for “The Heart…

The Present Opportunity for Reformed Witness

This paper was read by the Rev F.S. Leahy, Minister of Cregagh Road Reformed Presbyterian Church, Belfast, at a public meeting held last April in Westminster Chapel, London, under the auspices of the Reformation Translation Fellowship (RTF). From Evangelical Quarterly: An International Review of Bible and Theology 06 Oct 1962 Rev F.S. Leahy had several…

“Reformed Preachng” Now Fully Funded!

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we have met our fundraising goal for the translation and publication of Joel Beeke’s Reformed Preaching, which is due to be published in the 1st quarter of 2023. We are halfway through raising funds to cover the translation and publication costs of Voices From The Past – Vol.…

2022 Translation Project Updates [Oct]

As we approach the end of 2022, we thank our generous supporters for the donations made for God Is: A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God by Mark Jones, which is now in print.  Translation ministry is essential to gospel proclamation, yet the churches and their believers have often neglected it. Thank you for partnering with us.…

2022 Translation Project Updates

Thanks to our generous supporters, we have recently met our goal of 6,150 AUD for Mark Jones’s “God Is”, published late last year. For purchases, please find the contact of the relevant bookstores under our link section. For the remainder of 2022, we will be raising the remaining 75% of the 12,200 AUD goal for…

Reformation Day

For Christians in the Western world, Reformation Day is a reminder of the wonderful retrieval of the centrality of the gospel and of the theological reality of justification by faith. Sinners were to be understood as being pardoned in the eyes of God, the perfect judge, solely based on the righteousness of Christ being imputed to those who, by grace, believe in Him. In a period where acts and duties were seen as meritorious and contributive to salvation, such thinking was antithetical to popular thought, by moving individuals from dependency upon themselves to a righteousness that was outside them, and could only be found outside them. This revelation of looking at how one related to God through Christ, by faith that had been graciously God-given, was momentous. It was a total paradigm shift that was aptly summarised through the later Genevan Reformation slogan, ‘Post Tenebras Lux’ (After darkness light).

2021 CRTS Campus Expansion Project

China Reformed Theological Seminary (CRTS, 改革宗神學院), which Reformation Translation Fellowship and Press are part of is currently seeking donations and contributions for their campus expansion project. Since its founding in 1990, the China Reformed Theological Seminary has remained steadfast in its mission in the Gospel. Regardless of the changes in politics, economy or society over…