Reformed theological literature translation and publication ministry for the Chinese people.

News (Page 3)

RTF Press End of Year Report

We give thanks for God’s grace and providence in leading the RTF press ministries over the years; we would not have been able to accomplish so much without His guidance from the beginning. The year 2017 marks the 500 anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, RTF was present at several conferences participating in the celebration.  We…

RTF Australia Ministries Update and Mid-Year Appeal

Article on Abraham Kuyper Recently, Steven from the RTF Australia Committee has written an article on Abraham Kuyper for the audiences at Thinking of God, an interdenominational fellowship of Reformed evangelical Christians, entitled “The Kuyperian Approach“. “[It’s] helpful to understand the importance of Abraham Kuyper and his theology. Specifically at a time when, whilst simultaneously commemorating the 500th…

2017 Publication Projects Update, April

For 2017, the RTF Australia committee decided to support two of the upcoming titles: Douglas Milne, “Let’s Study Luke” from the Let’s Study the Bible series of Banner of Truth. Abraham Kuyper, Lectures on Calvinism: The Stone Lectures of 1898. Since January, we were able to engage with Rev Dr Douglas Milne on behalf of…

RTF – Australia Publication Project for 2017

During 2016, we were delighted to follow the progress of the publication project sponsored by RTF – Australia of “The Victory of the Lamb”, by Frederick S. Leahy.  This was translated into Chinese by Lorna Chao throughout the year and due to be published in early 2017. For 2017, the RTF committee decided to support two of…

Pray for China Day 2017

It has been our practice in recent years to encourage our supporters and their local congregations to join in a united effort to uphold the work of RTF and the Church in China in prayer before the God of heaven. This year we hope that you will set aside Sunday 29th January as the 2017 Pray for China…

Report from RTF Taiwan

The RTF Publishing Company in Taipei, Taiwan carries much of the workload of translating, editing and publishing RTF titles. In October 2014 Ian Peng was appointed as a full-time Assistant Executive Director of the RTF Publishing Company and through 2015 Ian will work alongside Andrew McCafferty in leading this work. There is a staff of…

The Church in China Grows

China has, to a very great degree, a thriving, growing and worshipful Church, for which we are all thankful. No individual, no group, no entity other than the Holy Spirit, can be credited with causing this growth in quantity and in quality. The church must have had some tools to use in their maturing process,…

RTF Australia Project for 2015

During 2014 we were delighted to follow the progress of a publication project sponsored by RTF Australia – The Cross He Bore, by Frederick S. Leahy. This was translated into Chinese by Lorna Chao before being printed and distributed in China. In fact, 10,000 copies were made available to house churches through the labours of…